Monday, April 11, 2022

Nagarkirtan - not just another film

A long awaited watch ended in a void and lump
in my throat. Nagarkirtan presents us with the
 stark reality that we witness every day in the
 streets,yet we suspend ourselves to disbelief.
 Kaushik Ganguly spins a tale of homosexuality
 in the most unnoticed circumstances.

 This is the first time I think I have watched 
another actor more than Ritwick Chakraborty on 
screen. Hats off to Riddhi Sengupta for the
 outstanding performance. The character of 
Puti will stay with me for a long long time.
 Directors like Ganguly still gives hope to
 bengali audience with such films and we feel
 proud as cinephiles. Yes, bengali cinema still
 has hope. Thanks to such films that are made
 once in a while. I wish Rituparna Ghosh was 
alive to see the film. This film is a resonance
 to the insensitivity and indifference of the
 society towards transgenders and the 
homosexual community in the country. 

The kirtan (devotional songs accompanied by 
musical instruments on the love life of
Lord Krishna)
 as a backdrop expressing the angst
 of Mahaprabhu was such a subtle way of 
communication by the director and writer.
I personally know a bit about kirtan because
it was something I grew up watching
and experiencing on a regular basis.
I witnessed my grandmother going into a
trance every time she listened to the
singers singing some episode of Krishna. There
were others who cried profusely and others
who went on a frenzy.
I couldn't feel the words as a child though
the transformations of these individuals
mesmerized my younger self. 
The scene where Puti goes into the trance and
loses herself reminded me of those moments. Yes! 
kirtan does that to a person. 

This could be the story of so many of those
people we see standing at signals. The very
thought of their plight and struggle is
nauseating. Even if we try we cannot relate to
their dispair and battle to just exist.
Mahaprabhu Chaitanya took the path of
bhakti marg to get away from his family but Puti
wasn't lucky enough. Her story is that of
unacceptance, shame and defeat. 

Riddhi Sen is not a star, he's an actor...
a brilliant one. As a viewer i cannot imagine
any other actor performing that role. 
That's the magic of a powerful actor. 
Nagarkirtan is not just any bold film, it's a 
film with a heart and soul.
Kudos for their research and execution. 
A brilliant film which can be watched 
multiple times for it's aesthetics and content.
Bravo Mr. Ganguly and team!

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