I can count more than twenty such families whom I know personally where there have been deaths... where fathers lost their children and vice versa.
It's not easy... it's not easy to live with such a loss. There's nothing which can calm these souls today when they would be witnessing the world celebrate Father's Day. They would feel a bit more cornered and lonely today. It would not be difficult to find a father hiding in some corner and crying silently... because he cannot share his grief with anyone.
There are children who are missing their creator on this day reminiscing days when they were together. Happiness, joy, laughter seems to have left them filling their lives with a void... a void unexplained. A void so deep that no treasure in this world can fill that.
I personally know bereaved fathers who are not able to get into terms today. It's every day that they miss their little one but this day makes them a bit more vulnerable. It's hard and it's inconsolable. No words of wisdom can stop these fathers from missing their child a bit more today.
There are infants who lost their fathers forever and they will never get to know him. For the children their father will be someone on that frame in the wall of their house.

The kids of such men are always in fear... the fear of their father coming in contact with the virus and it's after effects. The fear of losing their Hero to the virus. It's a trauma they are facing on a daily basis.
This Father's Day is not like the other years... it's different in many aspects. Let us be beside such parents or such kids today. Let them know you care. A simple message or call can help them communicate... something that's essential yet we try to avoid. (Thanks to the world and it's ways )
Let this Father's Day be memorable in a way where you could make some father feel better or a fatherless child relive some moments of bygone days.

What about fathers who are frontline workers? They leave behind their family every day to step out in these testing times. Look around and you can see those doctors, nurses, soldiers, policemen, the cleaners, the essential goods carrier,the chemist,the phlebotomist who conducts the RTPCR test knowing the threat it has. All these people are nothing but angels for the common man. We are because of them.
Let us draw inspiration from these fighters and be the Ubuntu. Together we are. Humanity is all about being there for each other and helping in the development of the society. Let this Father's Day be special in a way where we teach our children to value relationships, to spread love and care and be compassionate. Help them learn to be there for someone.
This Father's Day is not only about being Happy... it's also about being Ubuntu.
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