Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Himachal Pradesh... Firgun land

It was the sunrise that I wanted to witness. No, I didn't need an alarm to wake me up that morning. The yearning to see the golden sun rays fall slowly on the hill tops to uncover the dark cloak of the night kept me awake. 

It was 5 AM when I woke up. It was pitch dark outside, the sound of the nocturnal chorus being my only company. As ilI waited for the sun to wake up and unfold I noticed Biryani's drawing Book and some crayons lying on the table. An idea struck! I felt an urge to capture the beauty not in my mobile this time but in paper. As the Sun took lazy and gratifying turns to unfurl, I decided to surprise it with my callow art. Over the next two hours I drew, i coloured and took a part of the hills with me... The art was not to prove anything. 

The drawing set of a six year old daughter rekindled the kiddo in the forty two year old mother who still gets exhilarated like a kid at the sight of hills, sun, snow !

Sitting in the room of Manzanna Woodlet Cottage at Shoja with those twelve colours and a white sheet of paper in front of me, I started to draw. Draw without any purpose or motive. It was the magic of that moment... The serenity of the place, that time of the day between dark and light which made me feel the passion to capture what lau in front of my eyes. 
I drew not to get praised or applauded... I drew because I wanted to... I felt the urge to seize that moment forever. What better than giving the view it's due by etching it in paper with a bunch of crayons. 

The sky changed it's hue every few minutes, the dark green trees changing colours like a chameleon and playing hide and seek with the sun rays. It was magic... the magic of science beholded as poetry, as painting in the eyes of a wondering soul. 

I am so glad I did it! The sense of satisfaction after was splendid. I could feel a sense of belonging with nature. It was all so cathartic. Sometimes we should just go with the flow without thinking about results and outcomes. It's only for ourselves... Our soul that we should do things at times. It's liberating. 
The husband woke up and captured his wife's moments on camera because he had witnessed this me after ages. He too didn't want to let go off the moment. I was unaware though only to find out later about it. A great feeling indeed! 

A day that started well... The morning that told me not to give up on that kid inside... Ever! 

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