Though they are addicted to stories, they want variety, newness each time we narrate. Have you ever faced the difficulty? Well I face it often! This has lead me to make up stories which are fun, informative and interesting. This has given me a new avenue for rediscovering myself.
If you are doing something similar do connect with me. It will be exciting to know moms who go that extra mile in parenting, find the hidden talent they have which they never got a chance to explore before.
Motherhood has been an exhilarating journey. It has also given me an identity of my own. Our children are great teachers! Unknowingly they teach us so much! They are like the goldsmiths who give shine to an otherwise course metal lying inside the earth's crust.
Stories are what we all like to hear. Make stories a part of your kids life too! Give them the power to imagine, to shine bright by the way you narrate it to them. It's super fun!
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